Discover Your Best Self

Injectable treatments at Mountain West Dental Specialists can help you discover a more youthful you. Botulinum toxin type A creates natural anti-aging results for men and women throughout Las Vegas.

How Do Injectable Treatments Work?

Botulinum toxin type A is a protein serum used by plastic surgeons to treat wrinkles caused by underlying muscle contraction. It’s one of the best non-surgical forms of facial rejuvenation available, and Dr. Tomlin is excited to offer this treatment in our Las Vegas office.

Botulinum toxin type A temporarily blocks the impulses between your nerves and facial muscles, causing the muscles in your face to relax and your skin to smooth out. Your muscles will regain full function in three to six months, and you’ll have stunning results.

Injectable treatment with botulinum toxin type A has been used effectively for over 20 years since being approved as a safe and effective therapy drug in 1989.

Botulinum toxin type A can improve the appearance of:

  • Furrows and wrinkles on your forehead
  • Small wrinkles and “crow’s feet” around your eyes
  • Vertical Frown lines between your eyebrows
  • Fine lines around your mouth
  • Horizontal wrinkles around your nose
  • Nostril flares
  • Excess chin puckering
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What to Expect from Injectable Treatment

First, we’ll apply a numbing cream to make your treatment as comfortable as possible.

Next, Dr. Tomlin will inject botulinum toxin type A into the facial muscle you want to treat using a small needle to minimize discomfort. Dr. Tomlin will inject a small amount of botulinum toxin type A into each wrinkle until we’ve taken care of every concern you have.

After your injection, we’ll place an ice pack on your face to soothe and minimize any bruising or swelling. About one percent of patients experience mild bruising after treatment.

You shouldn’t exercise for a few hours after your appointment and avoid massaging the treated area for 48 hours.

Injectable Treatment for Migraine Relief

If you have 15 or more headache days per month and can’t get relief through other treatments, botulinum toxin type A injections might be right for you. The more frequent your headaches, the more likely injections will relieve your pain.

Injectable treatments provide relief when Dr. Tomlin injects around pain fibers involved in headaches. It blocks the release of chemicals involved in pain transmission. This means the pain networks in your brain aren’t activated.

While you might not experience immediate relief, many patients report a 50% decrease in migraine-related pain after the second or third treatment. It can take up to six months for injections to take full effect, and you can safely continue taking any other medication in the meantime.

Botulinum toxin type A is approved by the FDA as a migraine treatment for patients over 18 and is covered by most insurance companies.